Our Writers Effectively Transformed Over 30,000 Careers.


Our Certified Executive Resume Masters (CERM)

Our team includes over 200 professional resume writers, each prepared to connect you with an expert who understands your specific career requirements.

  • Professional Profile Development
  • Industry-Specific Customization
  • Executive-Level Resume Services

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW)

Our team comprises Certified Professional Resume Writers (CPRWs) dedicated to excellence. We pair you with an expert who has the experience and skills to address the current hiring demands. Our resume writers specialize in over 65 industries, guaranteeing your resume is carefully customized to your specific field of expertise.


Our Writer Boosts Nationally Certified Resume Writer (NCRW)

Crafting a compelling resume that stands out in today's competitive job market requires expertise and credentials. At Resume Thrive, we are committed to excellence and are excited to introduce you to our nationally certified resume writer (NCRW).


Why To Hire A Professional Resume Writer?

What You Get Resume From Us Self-written Resume
Presentation of Your Professional Work Experience
Industry-Specific Keywords for Optimal Representation
Strategic Integration of Key Skills and Achievements
ATS Compatibility
Expert Resume Strategy Tips for Career Advancement
Guaranteed to Double Your Interview Opportunities
Optimized Formats for Computer Parsing

Ready To Take Your Resume To The Next Level?

Over 900+ 5-Star Reviews


Our Customer

mortarboard (2)

Career/Industry Change


Returning to Workspace

Military Transition

Professionally Written Resumes Vs DIY Resumes

Contact Us Today!

Receive professional guidance and a 100% guaranteed interview for your ideal job. Take a step towards a successful career today!


Frequently Asked Questions

1Who are the writers at Resume Thrive?
Our team of professional resume writers comprises career experts from different backgrounds, representing a wide base of industries. They are experienced in writing industrial standard resumes that best reflect your skills.
2Can I choose a specific writer for my resume?
We’ll pair you with a writer who has expertise in your field, you can request a specific writer if you have a preference. We will do our best to accommodate your request.
3What is the process for working with a resume writer?
After you choose our resume writing service, you’ll complete a detailed questionnaire about your career history and goals. Your assigned writer will then use this information to create a tailored resume and may reach out for additional details if needed.
4How do I communicate with my resume writer?
Communication is mostly done through our secure messaging system or email. You can share your needs, give feedback, and ask questions while we work on your project.
5Can I request revisions from my writer?
Yes, we offer revisions to ensure you are satisfied with your resume. You can give feedback and ask for changes during this revision period.
6What if I’m not happy with the resume my writer produces?
If you’re not satisfied, we encourage you to provide detailed feedback so we can make adjustments. Our goal is to ensure you’re happy with the final product, and we offer multiple rounds of revisions to achieve that.
7How do I know if a resume writer is the right fit for me?
If you’re unsure, you are welcome to contact us for consultation. We will discuss your needs and goals, and then assign the job to a writer whose experience best matches up to what you are expecting in your resume.